Friday, May 15, 2009

Chimichurri Seitan Skewer Salad

Chimichurri seitan skewers on a bed of leaf and romaine lettuces, pear tomatoes, and carrots dressed with citrus-herb vinaigrette. Based on the Candle Cafe Cookbook Seitan Skewers with Chimichurri Citrus-Herb Sauce.

Raw materials in the Garden

Recipe and Substitutions:
To prepare the skewers and sauce, I faithfully followed the cookbook recipe. After removing them from the grill, I plated them on the raw vegetables and then drizzled residual marinade and chimichurri sauce over the whole thing.
This salad was labor intensive but incredible. I've had Candle Cafe's skewers both at the restaurant and from the prepared food case at Whole Foods yet I preferred the homemade iteration for at least three reasons: 1) the seitan was served immediately off the grill so it didn't have time to cool and stiffen; 2) it was nice to have a full salad and both of the sauces to round out the meal; and 3) while I love the smoky flavor of grilled food and the aesthetics of char marks, I don't like food overly scorched (it's carcinogenic) and so I was able to control and reduce over-browning.

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